Climate and housing campaigners unite in Housing Day of Action, 8 July

Supporters of Islington Homes for All demand former prison guards’ flats be sold to Islington Council rather than developed for luxury flats

Around 100 people marched in Southwark and people took part in demonstrations and protests in different locations as part of the Housing Day of Action called by Housing Rebellion, bringing together demands for safe affordable housing and action on the climate catastrophe. The main slogan was Housing for need not greed, and campaigners talked about the need for refurbishment not demolition, safe homes for all and saving our green spaces.

Short video of Southwark demo here

Short video of Abbey Wood protest here

More details of actions from Housing Rebellion

In the news…

South London Press covered Southwark protest

BBC London covered Islington protest

My London covered Wandsworth protest

Morning Star covered Abbey Wood (Bexley) protest and occupation

Inside Housing covered Abbey Wood (Bexley) protest and occupation

Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth (HASL) on the Southwark demo
Abbey Wood tower block
Focus E15 in Newham
Save Toland Square in Wandsworth
Harlow DCH and Harlow TUC banner drop at Terminus House
Milton Keynes protest