Urgent Statement: Corona Virus and Housing – Protect Tenants and Homes

Facing this viral pandemic, the Government must act urgently to ensure no 
one is left on the street homeless, and that no-one loses their home due 
to the virus.

Therefore we must have urgent action to:

  • Immediately open up hotels and other empty buildings to house all the homeless
  • Ensure no evictions or repossession action during this crisis: suspend rent and mortgage liability for anyone whose income is cut due to the virus
  • Scrap the five-week wait for Universal Credit/housing benefit and 
    suspend all benefit sanctions

And as millions are living in overcrowded, unsuitable and unaffordable 
homes, we need immediate action with grant funding to:

  • Build 100,000 council homes a year at social rent with secure 

We stand united – we won’t blame each other, we need action by 
Government now.

Download the statement.

We are making our statement into an online petition to Parliament, and will need
your help to get lots of people signing, to force Government to address 
it.  It is waiting for Parliament to process it; once it’s live, we will 
send the link.

Under mounting pressure, Government has made some steps:

  • Action to provide a roof for street homeless, at local discretion. 
    No move for the thousands in cramped temporary accommodation, sharing rooms, kitchens and bathrooms with other household
  • Mortgage payers can request a limited ‘holiday’
  • Ministers are ‘guiding’ courts not to process the 20,000 evictions 
    in the pipeline.  Further evictions are delayed for three months. 
    Renters are still being hassled to pay rent they can’t afford
  • No shift on five-week wait for Universal Credit; you can ask for 
    an advance, to be deducted from future payments
  • Work on luxury housing and other non-essential projects continues, 
    but no commitment yet on funding for future council housing

So this is still urgent, and our united voice can send an important 
message. We will update you on when the petition is ready for you to circulate and add your name.

Upcoming General Meeting – 18th January 2020, London


Homes for All links tenants and housing campaigners, trade unions and others to defend the homes and rights we have, and win the homes we all need. Attend our next meeting in London and discuss how we can help win the fight for housing justice in 2020.

There are new MPs who say they represent us – can you help put pressure on your MP to support action on local and national housing problems?

The roll-out of Universal Credit means more people in rent arrears and more evictions.  Are you able to help build the ‘UC – no evictions’ campaign? Can we push for action locally, in the coming council elections?

Tenants have won the right to a vote before demolition of their estates, in some areas.  But temporary tenants are being bullied and manipulated in this process. What is the key to stopping unwanted estate demolition, and winning these ballots?

Grenfell and fire safety – how do we get action to stop more devastating fires, and ensure justice for Grenfell survivors?
Next General Meeting Details:

18th January 11am – 1pm at:

Unite offices, 33-37 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB

Send your comments and ideas in advance if you can’t attend in person.
